Category: Blog

  • I wish you…

    I wish you…

    I am not a mean person, Not purposefully unkind. But there are many out there, Who seem not to have any sort of functioning mind. They get in my way, Disturb my existence. But despite their incessant badgering, I do not wish to snuff out their existence. Instead, I wish them a lifetime of annoyance…

  • The Blog

    Welcome to the blog section of this site! As you can see, there’s not much there … I’m in midst of revamping the site, and had some issues transferring some of the old data. But we’ll get there! Please just be patient … I am REALLY not very good at bloggish endeavours.

  • Basic Training

    In 2018, I had a short story published in Quail Bell Magazine. Unfortunately, it was an online journal, and they had problems with their host and lost a lot of their past articles, including mine. Instead of trying to get this story published somewhere else, I thought it would be fun to post it here….

  • Trump and The Taj

    Initially Published on Medium in November 2016 Going to the Taj Mahal, one expects not only to be overcome by beauty, but to be showered in a magical story of love, a love story greater than all the ages, one that will transcend time. It is the physical manifestation of a man’s love for his…